At KPS, our monthly essay writing competition provides students in the Lower School and Sixth Form with a platform to stretch and challenge themselves outside of the school syllabus. Academic enrichment is exceedingly important at KPS, as it allows students to strengthen their critical thinking skills as well as providing them with an avenue to express their intellectual curiosity.



The majority of our monthly themes are topical questions that attempt to engage students with complex question that we face in the 21st century. October's essay title was: 'Do we need borders?', a perennial and contentious question that has profound implications for the modern world. After receiving some fantastic, thought-provoking responses, our winner for this theme was Anais, who made a compelling argument for the justification of borders and their importance for geopolitical and cultural reasons. 

November's essay question asks students to consider whether beliefs can be 'true' or are they simply subjective – Mr Jackson looks forward to naming our November winner after receiving a variety of brilliant submissions.

Excerpt from Anais' winning essay:



Borders allow regions to ensure privacy and independence, which are both importance and responsible. Having borders separates countries, allowing them to fulfil their senses of national identity and unique culture.