As a Student and Child Student Route Sponsor, Kensington Park School welcomes applications from international students, and we are immensely proud of the diversity of our student body.
Sponsorship is available for international students applying for full boarding from Year 9 (13+). International students applying for entry to Year 7 (11+) or Year 8 (12+) must be self-sponsored, or have appropriate care arrangements in place in line with UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) guidance. International students residing in our Boarding House must appoint an appropriate educational guardian who lives within one hour travelling distance of the residence.
Admissions Process
International families can apply directly or through one of our partner agencies. International students are asked to submit a copy of their passport and most recent school reports for an initial assessment prior to application. Subject to meeting our admissions criteria, students will be invited to make a formal application.
International students applying for entry into Year 7 (11+) and Year 9 (13+) follow the same application process as UK students. Occasional spaces may also be available in other year groups. International students applying for entry to the Sixth Form (16+) are required to provide evidence of their English language proficiency in addition to attending an interview. Students who do not already have an appropriate English language certificate can sit our English language assessment. International students wishing to take Mathematics at A level are also asked to sit a Mathematics assessment.
Where applicants are unable to travel to the UK, interviews can be arranged remotely. Our entrance assessments may also be taken abroad, either at the applicant’s current school, or at a local British Council office. For more information on joining the school at 11+ and 13+, or 16+, please follow the links below.

Arrange a visit
Families wishing to visit Kensington Park School prior to making an application are invited to join one of our Open Days or arrange an individual visit through our Admissions team.
If you are an educational agent or consultant and are interested in working with us, please contact our Admissions team via email on or call +44 (0)20 7616 4402.